Monday, June 27, 2011

An Artist

This piece that I read somewhere summarizes a true artist.

"The often irreconcilable choices we make between doing what we love and what we are expected to do, what earns money and keeps the family in comfort. This is perhaps not really an issue for those whose talent burns bright, whose abilities illuminate clearly and unambiguously the road they should travel down. But for the rest of us, torn as we are between confronting the limitations of our not-quite-brilliant abilities, the expectations of our families, the brutal realities of the economics of living and the often soul-numbing dreariness of the alternatives, it is not so easy.

So it is all the more that I admire an artist, for each has chosen, or is thinking about choosing, a path which by no means has an assured pot of gold at the end, no steady, structured climb up a corporate ladder (which of course comes with its own pitfalls) or into an academic ivory tower. Yet, these are the people who bring beauty and color to our lives. May what artists bring to this world never be minimized or scorned. Admire and respect them, love them even, for they turn a world of black and white into brilliant technicolor."
-By an Artist

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Mission for the week.
Dont waste food.
Save water.
Save Money.
Feel good about it at the end of the week :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Monday, June 13, 2011

Picture perfect

Now that I have a good camera,I am going to post one picture everyday.
This is my boot camp training for a digital SLR.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Biding adieu without a tear is the toughest challenge for me.
Will miss the Mane family.